Monday, February 17, 2014

In health, and in sickness

It is quite rare that I fall sick, and I am thankful to God for keeping me healthy even when my daughter is down with the flu, or my son has a bad case of the sniffles. I boldly, and regularly, venture into germy zones, serving up soups or handing out various meds, confident with the knowledge that I am off-limits for these and other parasites.

However, the Lord doth send me some of the above-mentioned once a year or so, if only to remind me that I am as human as the next guy, or gal, as the case may be. For one who is accustomed to playing the nurse, I seem to be totally useless at remembering what I have to eat or when I have to rest. Even the common cold seems to get the better of me, and those around me end up getting the worst. 

I suppose, being the daughter of a newsman, I am a natural at giving my family updates about my health status, which goes something like “I feel sick!” every 5 minutes. I guess the family has been praying hard for some relief. So hard, that its got me up and blogging !